Monday, September 10, 2007

very quick post...

my world is full!

I was looking at odessa (bless you Grumperina!) and my stash yelled at me - I have 16 balls of cashmere which have been waiting for a home (I think I have been hatching them for maybe 10 years now), in shades from black through greys to cream (4 balls of each) - I think 2 balls will work for this - I have 8 hats waiting to be made for gifts! - all it needed was a trip to the bead store and wheeeee...

pictures etc tomorrow - I promise!

1 comment:

Valerie Polichar said...

Odessa is a great pattern, I'm sure you're having fun! I made one without beads for a friend of a friend who needed a chemo hat, and she loved it. I can't wear close-fitting hats myself (conehead!), but some folks I know look good in them and it's such a fun knit. Good idea to use it for gifts.